Tuesday, September 11, 2012

What next??

So, now that I'm done creating a blog and writing my first post on it and kinda spreading the word amongst friends and family... By the way, none of you have started following me yet so y'all better start doing that!
Anyway, like I was saying, now that I'm done "setting it up", the big question is right there, hanging in the air, right in my face (not exactly, its just a way of saying, you know), bang in front of my eyes... WHAT NEXT??? (and yes, it does have three question marks. Gives a nice dramatic effect, you see :D)

So, I get back to sitting in front of my lappy (like I explained in my first post, I call my laptop "my lappy") and staring at its screen.
And sitting... and staring... and still sitting....
And then, suddenly it dawns on me that maybe, just, maybe it might be time for a new post!

"Ah hell!"
(all those fellow teen girls who have read the House of Night Series will know that I quote the fledgling priestess Zoey Redbird here)
(And again, yes, I do read all those paranormal-teen-romantic novels. Hey! Don't judge me. Okay!)

So, ah hell!
I just discovered a much greater problem!
WHAT DO I WRITE ABOUT??? (don't ask me about the question marks again. You know it already!)

And so, we're back to sitting and staring at my lappy's screen. Brilliant! Just brilliant!

Sitting.... staring... sitting... still sitting... and sitting... and still sitting...

And then, like a shot, it just hits me. Why don't I write a post about "what next"? Like I said, its a big question for a blogger/writer. (At least, it was for me. Don't know about the nerdy ones).

You see, when your first production (I use this word here in the vast sense, something like the universe), is such a huge success, it puts a Gihugic (for those of you who don't know: gigantic + huge = gihugic) pressure on the producer of the production to create something much more successful as his next.
I am currently facing the situation. I hope y'all now understand my predicament.
(I am not going to look at the 'number of followers' counter on my blog. And I am going to ignore the 00000 that, that stupid counter is displaying currently. I believe in optimism and positive thinking :) )

(Damn it! Why doesn't that bloody counter display any number besides those horrifying zeroes? Grrr....!!!!)


Now that I have my second post figured and done, it is time for my dear readers (Hello! Anybody there?) to read it!

Lap up, you lovely beings!

PS: Again. Don't judge me, dude!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Its a new start!

So, I woke up this morning, (its was after 2:30 PM in the afternoon actually), and I 'felt' the need to do something. What that something was, I had no idea. But something in me was saying "Get yer ass moving, ye bloody scumbag", quite in the 'pirate-style' I shall tell you. I could almost hear Capt. Barbossa yelling at me and how I loved to hear his voice. Oh, what a glorious moment, to be yelled at by none other than the great Capt. Barbossa himself!
And then my phone rang and I woke up!

So, as I was saying, I felt the "need to do something". I mentally ran through my humungous and never-ending list of 'things to do'. But  none of them fit into the new category I had just created: "the something that I had to do".

So what do I do?

  1. I call up my mom, ask her whereabouts, figured I had enough time to do "somethings" before she returned home.
  2. Call up a few venues and make reservations for my 'post-birthday Birthday Lunch' on the coming Sunday.
  3. Look for food to eat, which was all practically laid out for me on the dining table. Now don't I just love my mum! Cheers Momma!
  4. Sit in front of my Lappy ( I call my laptop, "my lappy").
  5. And sit
  6. Continue to sit
  7. Still sitting
Then suddenly, I switch my lappy on!

No, no, that was not the "something" I had to do.
In the google search box, I type "blogs" and I get like thousands of results (I just read the first page. Well, like the saying goes, if its not on the first page, it doesn't exist!). One of the results (on the first page) was Blogger.com. I then search for the keywords "blog sites" and I again get flooded by results. Blogger.com and Wordpress.com.


I then go back to google.com and look through their products. And I see Blogger.com again. So, I click on it, follow the process to set up my blog and here I am!
Doodles! :D

Okay! Yeah! I know what you're thinking. All of this (I wave my hands up and down my lappy's screen directing at my post), only to tell us that you registered your new blog?!

Well, duh!
Its my first ever blog and my first ever post on it! It obviously is special to me. And believe it or not, this is that "something" that Capt. Barbossa wanted me to do!

So, here's to my new blog and my very innovative, totally original and self-inspired posts on it. May you all be blessed with many more such posts by me.

Drink up me hearties yo-ho!